Visual Portfolio, Posts & Image Gallery for WordPress

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Visual Portfolio, Posts & Image Gallery for WordPress

How to Annotate a Shared Screen in Zoom meetings?

Date August 9, 2022
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Zoom has a cool annotation feature that allows participants to use annotation tools to add information to shared screens. Gone are the days when you had to repeatedly tell the host to point to a certain portion of the screen, especially when a diagram or a chart is presented.
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How to change your Email Id on Slack?

Date August 6, 2022
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In some situations, you may require changing your email Id on Slack. This article describes simple steps to change your email Id on Slack.
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How to Enable the New Gmail Interface

Date March 1, 2022
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Google has recently rolled out a new user interface for the web version of Gmail. The Google apps are now better integrated into the Gmail. Earlier the Mail, Chat, Meet, etc. apps appeared in the same sidebar column with collapsible panel.
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How To Add A Custom Menu To WordPress Toolbar?

Date February 19, 2022
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The admin toolbar in WordPress is a powerful way of quickly accomplishing tasks. The toolbar visibility option is customizable for each user from the edit user page.
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How To Change Startup Apps On Mac

Date February 7, 2022
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The startup app is a general phenomenon in leading operating systems. If you need to open a set of apps and processes every time you log in to your system, it’s best to set up these apps as startup apps. Once configured, Mac will automatically launch these apps every time you restart your Mac. Do…
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