Table of Contents
1. Context
We are going to write a mini-browser that can establish a connection with any website (URL
) over HTTP
protocol and then send requests & receive response messages. For example, you may hit https://google.com
and receive the HTML
content or hit a REST API endpoint and receive JSON content. We use plain Java and do not use any third-party library.
2. Approach
java.net package
provides interfaces and classes to establish a communication link between client and server over the network. Following steps are involved when java.net.HttpURLConnection
is used for communication over HTTP
- Create a
object - Call
to get a connection - Add necessary connection properties and request headers
- Establish the actual connection by calling
method onHttpURLConnection
- Read response headers from the connection
- Read the response as input stream obtained from the connection
3. Send Request and Receive Response
The sendRequest()
method sequentially calls methods to create URL
, get Http URL connection, set up connection properties, add request headers, establish an actual connection, and finally receive HTTP response.
/** * Opens a connection and sends Http request to given URL. * @param url URL to be invoked. * @return Response as a stream. */ private InputStream sendRequest(String url) { try { URL urlInstance = new URL(url); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) urlInstance. openConnection(); // Set timeout in milliseconds connection.setConnectTimeout(20000); // Set request headers addRequestHeaders(connection); // Establiish a connection connection.connect(); // Read response status and headers readResponseStatusAndHeaders(connection); // Return response return connection.getInputStream(); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
The following method adds HTTP request headers to the connection. Get the complete list of request headers from here.
/** * Adds request headers to connection. * @param connection Http URL connection instance. */ private void addRequestHeaders(HttpURLConnection connection) { connection.addRequestProperty("Accept", "text/plain"); connection.addRequestProperty("Accept-Language", "en"); connection.addRequestProperty("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); }
The following method extracts the response code, response message, and response headers from the connection. Get the complete list of response headers from here.
/** * Reads response code, message and header fields. * @param connection Http URL connection instance. * @throws IOException If an error occrred while connecting to server. */ private void readResponseStatusAndHeaders(HttpURLConnection connection) throws IOException { System.out.println("Response code: " + connection.getResponseCode()); System.out.println( "Response message: " + connection.getResponseMessage()); System.out.println("Response header: Content-Length: " + connection. getHeaderField("Content-Length")); }
4. Read Response
Finally, extract the response data from the input stream obtained from the connection.
/** * Prints the response to console. * @param response Response stream. */ private void processResponse(InputStream response) { if (response == null) { System.out.println("No or blank response received"); } else { StringBuilder data = new StringBuilder(); try { int bufferSize = 2048; byte[] inputData = new byte[bufferSize]; int count = 0; while ((count = response.read(inputData, 0, bufferSize)) != -1) { data.append(new String(inputData, 0, count, "UTF-8")); } } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println("Data received: " + data.toString()); } }
5. Run the Program
Here is the main
method to test the HttpClient
. It accepts the URL
as string input from the user.
/** * Main method of the program. * @param args Input arguments to the program. */ public static void main(String[] args) { HttpClient handler = new HttpClient(false); Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); while(true) { System.out.println("URL (q to quit):"); String url = scanner.nextLine(); if(!url.equalsIgnoreCase("q")) { InputStream response = handler.sendRequest(url.trim()); handler.processResponse(response); } else { break; } } }
6. Conclusion
You may download the complete source code from here: HttpClient.java. For a sophisticated and efficient HttpClient
use Apache HttpClient.
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