Using vi editor if you want to create a new file or open an existing file having a name starting with + (plus) or – (hyphen), you’ll get an error.
In vi Editor How to Open Files Starting with + (Plus) or – (Hyphen) in Name

Using vi editor if you want to create a new file or open an existing file having a name starting with + (plus) or – (hyphen), you’ll get an error.
The syntax highlighting feature of text editors mark keywords, operators, numbers, string, etc. differently according to the programming language constructs. For developers, modern IDEs offer syntax highlighting.
Knowing the commonly used vi editor commands is absolute bliss. You can get your work done much faster with frequently used commands. In this article, I’ll share the commands to show line numbers in the vi editor temporarily for a single session, and permanently as well.
Knowing the commonly used vi editor commands is absolute bliss. You can get your work done much faster with frequently used commands. The command to go to a specific line is one of those frequently used commands.
People working in system engineering in Linux and Mac still prefer vi. In this article, I’ll highlight 20 commands when practiced, will enable you to use the vi editor like a pro.