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Karma: How Our Actions Shape Our Lives

Date June 23, 2023
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In life, just like in nature, there exists a natural cyclic process. This process is characterized by the act of sowing seeds, which grow into trees, bear fruits, and produce more seeds. Just as we expect a mango seed to grow into a mango tree or a potato seed to yield a potato plant, we…
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Mastering Your Mind: The Key to Success

Date June 17, 2023
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Have you ever wondered why some people seem to effortlessly achieve success while others struggle? The secret lies in the power of controlling your mind. Our thoughts have the ability to shape our destiny.
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Nurturing Children: Shaping their Future with Positive Influence

Date June 17, 2023
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Children are highly influenced by their surroundings, absorbing behaviors and values from their parents, teachers, friends, and relatives. Their young minds often lack the ability to judge between right and wrong easily. Instead of simply telling them what’s right, it’s essential to lead by example and provide the right environment for their growth. In this…
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The Pursuit of Happiness: Simple Secrets to a Joyful Life

Date June 4, 2023
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Reading Time 4 Mins Read
Happiness is something we all seek, yet it often feels elusive. We constantly chase material possessions, success, and external circumstances, hoping they will bring us joy. But what if happiness is not found in what we acquire, but in how we perceive and approach life?
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Dependency for Happiness

Date May 10, 2022
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If you depend too much on a person for your motivation and happiness, the same person may eventually become the reason for your unhappiness and distractions.
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Do the Right Thing

Date January 30, 2022
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Do the Right Thing Sri Ramkrishna told his Brahma devotees to think right in order to do right. He explained the importance of our minds and thoughts. Who thinks right, he does right, he gets the real benefit.Ramakrishna kathamrita Who is Ramakrishna? Sri Ramakrishna was a 19th-century Indian mystic and spiritual leader of the Hindu…
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Love For God and Sense Pleasure

Date January 28, 2022
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Love For God and Sense Pleasure When you truly fall in love with God, your focus will shift from worldly pleasure to heavenly bliss. The pleasure from your sense organs will start to fade away. The more you love God, the less you’ll be interested in sense pleasure.Sri Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita Who Is Sri Ramakrishna?…
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Date August 14, 2021
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Do not just mechanically say ‘Good Morning’ to your friends,  colleagues, and family members. That is just another way to say ‘hello’ to someone randomly. Instead, say ‘(I am wishing you) a very good morning and a pleasant day’. If you want to extend it then add ‘I am with you to make your day…
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National Doctor’s Day

Date July 1, 2021
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National Doctor’s day is celebrated in India on 1st July to honor birth anniversary of great physician Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy (1st July 1882 – 1st July 1962).
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Give to Grow

Date June 22, 2021
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A related article on this topic: Give to Grow
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World Day Against Child Labor

Date June 11, 2021
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We observe every year 12th June as the day against child labor throughout the world. Every time we observe the day, we become sympathetic about underprivileged children and then, after a few days, forget about it. Even though we have the willingness to do something for these kids, it remains as the wish.
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Date June 1, 2021
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The slow cars on the road limit your maximum speed. A team’s efficiency does not only depend on the best performers but, also greatly influenced by mediocre performers in the team.
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Date May 30, 2021
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A genuine smile in any situation makes a difference.
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Date May 26, 2021
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People do not accept opinions, customs, conducts, work etc. of others easily. They want to believe that they are superior to others.
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Date May 24, 2021
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Women are generally more self-disciplined and self-controlled compared to their male counterparts.
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Happiness and the Reality

Date May 11, 2021
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Without designer sarees, jewelry, expensive car, costly mobile phone, etc. one can still be happy. Happiness is an inner feeling. Your happiness increases and lasts longer when you share your possession, help, and support others. If you think your happiness comes from materials you own then you are far from reality.
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Date May 6, 2021
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Being rude is unacceptable at any point under any circumstances.
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